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EID In the Park

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Eid in the Park

This is the largest open air Eid congregation in London!

The celebration of this joyous and auspicious occasion has brought the communities in Redbridge and surrounding areas together to enjoy Eid in the past and continues to do this every year.

It gives the congregation and the visitors of other faiths and backgrounds a wonderful opportunity to greet and share their happiness with one another.

We typically include exhibitions on Islamic culture (that is open to all), family funfair, food stalls, Family Souk and fun games.

We invite local dignitaries to attend, with past attendees including Mufti Menk, Shaikh Haytham, Palestinian Ambassador to the UK and many more.

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Please remember when attending our events, to follow the guidance of our designated stewards to ensure adherence to Health & Safety rules. Your safety and of others is paramount! VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION FOR EID IN THE PARK - EID UL ADHA 2024 Be part of Reviving this Sunnah! Please re-share to open doors for anyone who would like to volunteer and experience this special event. REGISTRATION LINK: https://forms.gle/cLc9kmm4UPeVtkBg8 For more info, please contact us: Info@redbridgeislamiccentre.co.uk